
Septic Tanks: The Myths Vs Facts About Septic Maintenance

Septic tanks are an essential part of your house’s waste management system. As a homeowner, you should be aware of the various installations in your house, so that you maintain them properly. Most homeowners do not know much about septic tanks, except that they Heps in wastewater management.

Also, there are numerous myths circulating septic tanks that can add to the confusion. Septic tank maintenance is an integral part of your house management efforts and should not be ignored. Here are a few facts and myths about septic tanks that you should be aware of.

1) Myth: Once installed septic tanks do not need to be maintained or cleaned.

Fact: Just like any other installation in your house, your septic tanks need to clean at regular intervals. Depending on the size of the tank, and the number of residents, the tanks need to be pumped. Most homeowners will need to call for septic tank maintenance service every two to three years for regular pumping.

When you maintain your tanks properly, they function smoothly. Also, you can proactively avoid major repairs and overflow. This can save you valuable time as well as money.

2) Myth: You can flush almost anything if you have a septic tank.

Fact: Even when you install the best-in-class septic tanks, you need to be cautious of what you flush down your toilet. Your septic tank has a waste easting process. Hence, you should not dispose of anything that can disrupt the process.

You should keep hazardous chemicals away from your septic system. This means you should also pay attention to the cleaning products you use in your bathroom.

Flushing down harmful chemicals and other waste will not only disrupt the natural waste disposing process in the tank, but can also cause clogging, blockage, or damage to the drain pipes. This can result in heavy expenditure on septic tank maintenance. Hence you should be careful about the type of waste material you flush.

3) Myth: Plumbing your septic system can help eliminate all problems with your tank.

Fact: Plumbing your septic tank with the help of septic tank maintenance professionals is a great way to ensure the smooth functioning of the tank. However, there are so many other issues that can impact the wastewater management system in your house.

There could be a leakage or blocking in the drain pipes. Also, there could be issues with the drain field. Hence, it is advisable to get your tank and all other parts inspected at regular intervals. This will help you avoid major issues and disruptions in the future.

These are some of the myths and facts about septic tank maintenance. However, you can also ask a question from a septic tank maintenance professional and get to know your tanks better.

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